Polished Concrete vs Tile floors

Considering polished concrete vs tile floors is an important process. Because of the similarities, people usually have trouble deciding which one to choose. To help you solve this dilemma, we compared these two types of floor surfaces.

When choosing flooring for homes or offices, it’s important to make a smart choice and select the option that will blend with the interior perfectly and suit the room’s purpose well. Every type of flooring has advantages and disadvantages; polished concrete and tile flooring are among the most durable options.

Polished Concrete Floors

  • Pros

Durability and extreme resistance are among the biggest advantages of polished concrete floorings. Besides that, you can be sure that they will not buckle under furniture or heavy traffic, which is why they are widely used in commercial and residential properties.

This type of flooring is very easy to maintain and is very resistant to damage. You can use water and mop, but occasionally use a neutral cleaner occasionally to ensure that all dirt and dust are removed. This way, your concrete flooring will be shiny and in excellent condition for a long time. If you have a large area covered with polished concrete, you can hire flooring specialists for its maintenance.

Depending on the glossiness level and exposure to pedestrian or vehicle traffic, your polished concrete flooring might need waxing or sealing every six to nine months. Polished concrete comes in various colours and textures, and if maintained properly, it can last for years. Polished concrete requires professional installation, and another thing to keep in mind is that polished concrete is an excellent choice if you plan to install floor heating.

  • Cons

Although there are only a few cons, we cannot dispute that concrete floors are hard and can be uncomfortable for some people. Also, if you do not have an adequate heating system in your home or commercial property, you will realise that polished concrete floors can feel cold.

Despite being widely used, this type of floor is unsuitable for all spaces since concrete is heavy and requires a firm foundation. If installed in large areas, it can be loud since it reflects noise. Still, this is not an issue if the space is filled with shelves and other items such as floor rugs.  Polished concrete is a very popular choice in the hospitality industry and for warehouses.

If the floor preparation is not conducted properly, it can crack over time, but this problem can be easily resolved with polished concrete flooring restoration.

Tiled Flooring

Tile floors are a popular flooring option and come in different styles, shapes, textures, and colours. Most tile flooring is made of stone or ceramic, each with strengths and weaknesses.

Since ceramic tiles are non-porous, they are a popular choice for wet areas like bathrooms and swimming pools, while stone tiles are mostly used for outdoor areas and are equally durable.

Regarding pros, tiles are durable, like polished concrete flooring. They are temperature-resistant but not as chemical-resistant as polished concrete, so you should be careful when choosing cleaning products.

The main disadvantage of tile flooring is that the grout changes colour over time, and in moist environments, you will have to put a lot of effort into keeping the mould away. If not installed correctly or if a bad batch of glue is used, the tiles can “lift” from the floor and become a tripping hazard. There are other cons, like the high price of stone tiles, the fact that they often crack and chip, and the fact that more time is generally needed for their installation.

Polished Concrete – Tile Effect

As you can see, concerning price, maintenance, and durability, polished concrete is an obvious winner when considering polished concrete vs tile floors. However, if you still cannot resist the visual appeal of tiling, consider investing in concrete tile-effect flooring.  We “stamp and colour” the concrete to give a beautiful tile effect. This way, you will enjoy all the advantages of polished concrete while having the look of tile flooring.

Diamond Grind offers professional flooring services and high-quality flooring solutions. We will provide the floor with the texture and finish you choose, whether you want it to look like tiles or something else.

When considering polished concrete vs tile floors.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss the best options for your property. We will be more than happy to provide professional flooring advice, preparation, installation, and maintenance.

polished concrete vs tile floors

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